Clean Shaven |
So every year I participate in No-Shave November, where I grow a beard for the month of November. In recent years I've altered it a little bit (for professional reasons), crafting my beard a little bit (by shaving the neck), so that it doesn't look quite as slovenly. Last year I continued growing the beard on into December only to be forced to shave it when I had to go back into the operating room on my Obstetrics and Gynecology rotation (the alternative was to wear a ridiculous sterile hood (since apparently there is potential that my exposed sideburns could infect the patient) which seemed to be more of a hassle than it was worth. Needless to say, this year I have no such restrictions. Already a full week in I have a pretty respectable beard.
Beard as of 11.8.11 |
Beard as of 11.8.11 |
When I do shave my beards I usually do it in two parts, the first is to shave some crazy design (I've done lightning bolt sideburns, a fu-man-chu, a three pronged goatee) which I then sport at a happy hour of some sort, and then shave the rest of the way the next day. I'm taking suggestions for this year's ridiculous look as well as locations for said happy hour.
Adam's Movember Mustache |
My roommate, Adam, on the other hand is participating in Movember, in which people grow mustache's for the month of November to raise money for prostate cancer awareness. It's a big thing at Wharton (to me it seems a bit too "Bro" for my liking, though the cause is a good one. He's got a pretty good start on his mustache (He's given me permission to post the mustache's progress and we'll contrast it with the progress of my beard). Oh, and if you'd like to donate to prostate cancer, here's his link: