Sunset in Cabo |
Sunset in the Bahamas |
Sunset in Cape Cod |
So, over the winter vacation my girlfriend accompanied my family on a vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. It was an incredibly relaxing 10 days of doing very little other than relaxing in the sun, reading, and spending time with my fam and girlfriend. We also got to see some incredibile sunsets. Now over the course of the time we've been together, Lindy and I have been fortunate to see some pretty incredible sunsets in places ranging from Cabo to Cape Cod to the Bahamas to Philly itself. We've started keeping a list of our top sunsets, and this trip provided #1 and #3. Here's a top 6 list (with photos) of our best sunsets, plus two bonuses of sunsets/sunrises that don't make Lindy and my top 6 (with explanations)
#6 - Sunset picnic on Corn Hill beach. Cape Cod, MA 8/31/11
#5 - Fourth of July Picnic on The Ben Franklin Parkway Pre-Fireworks. Philadelphia, PA 7/4/11
#4 - Post-step1/NCLEX Celebration Cruise. Paradise Island, Bahamas 2/24/11.
#3 - Sunset walk on the beach. Los Cabos, Mexico 1/4/12
#2 - Sunset from our balcony. North Truro, MA (Cape Cod) 8/30/11
#1 - Happy Hour On The El Ciruelo Veranda - Los Cabos, Mexico 1/3/12.
BONUS PICTURES: So I decided to include some bonuses that don't make Lindy and my top 6 list because we weren't together for the pictures (One was from before we met, but is a pretty Philly sunset from one of the Snowmaggedons two winters ago, and the other is from a race I ran with 11 friends from Miami to Key West, also, is a sunrise, not sunset...)
Bonus 1 - Snowmaggedon Philly from my old roof deck. 2/6/10

Bonus 2 - Sunrise Key West Ragnar Relays. 1/8/11